Denver Data Center Colocation Blog

5 Ways Web Hosts Can Attract Better Clients

[fa icon="calendar"] Dec 14, 2016 3:03:06 PM / by Matt Sudowski

5 Ways Web Hosts Can Attract Better Clients

As a web host, how do you add value to your client base?

Throughout the past decade, we have experienced major advancements in the technology industry; especially, in relation to the variety of software programs available to maintain strong client relationships and attract new clients and top talent.

Previously, finding clients was a relatively simple process. All you had to do was set up a website and use Google AdWords; that was a wrap! Of course marketing efforts have become more difficult and costly due to increased competition.

As mentioned on one of our recent webinars, most hosting related keywords on Google AdWords are well over $40 per click which makes the cost to acquire a client astronomical for web hosts.

So what other avenues can you take to attract better clients? Below are five tips from Jay Sudowski, Co-Founder and CEO of Handy Networks, on how you can attract better clients.

Create a Sub-Niche

A niche market, “is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused”; when you have developed a niche, your primary focus pertains to a particular buyer. To build a framework for your niche, start by asking yourself this question, “what are you really good at?” You should find something that you truly have a passion for; for example, specializing in a certain type of technology or developing applications.

Once you have developed your niche, this is the time for you to figure out which add-on services to incorporate into your business model. Jay Sudowski says, “when you’re looking at add-ons that you can sell to your clients that they will find valuable, you’re looking for services that clients need. However, they don’t know how to do it themselves, or they don’t really have any inclination on how to do it themselves.” The key is to provide value added services that will attract people to your business.

Understanding Your Buyer Persona

Creating a buyer persona is necessary for business success. The concept of buyer personas connects heavily to your niche market; because, after you figure out who you are targeting you can then create a niche surrounded by that specified group of ideal clients.

Think about some general characteristics of the clients you are targeting which will allow you to define the buyer persona. Then it's important to develop content specifically geared towards the buyer persona. This way you position your team as subject matter experts. 

Providing Educational Content to Your Audience

It is no longer about basic websites with service and price lists. Today, it is all about providing useful content to your market.

According to Jay Sudowski, “the content on your website must support your organic SEO efforts. By putting up a blog post, valuable tips, and other educational content that is targeted towards your niche, you'll likely see good organic traffic.”

Distributing educational content geared towards your buyer personas will bring added value. People like working with people they can trust. By providing them with industry tips, relevant information, and other quality content, you'll begin to build that trust with your prospective clients.

Developing a Responsive Website

Another way to attract better clients is by creating a responsive website. Many people use their mobile devices to conduct research online. In order to gain a positive reaction from your prospects, you must incorporate a professional and responsive web design.

Responsive web design, as defined by Wikipedia, “is an approach to web design aimed at allowing desktop web pages to be viewed in response to the size of the device one is viewing with.” This means that from any device, whether the viewer has a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone, your website will look the same on each device.

Investing in Face-to-Face Relationships

Being able to connect with your clients and potential clients is important. You can only do so much in a virtual sense; taking the time to invest in strong client relationships is ideal.

Jay Sudowski explains the importance of face-to-face relationships by saying, “one of the greatest benefits of having that face-to-face relationship is you avoid being seen as a commodity. Once you have that personal connection, the conversation moves beyond just talking about price.”

Here are a few ways your web hosting company can start developing those face-to-face relationships and meet new people:

  • Chamber of Commerce events
  • Tech startup communities
  • Co-working spaces
  • Speak or lead: a panel or short presentation
  • Conduct webinars

Is your web hosting company struggling to attract quality clients? Let us know your thoughts in the Comments below.

If you’re a web host, and you’d like to learn how to attract better clients to your business, watch our webinar recording, "How to Grow Your Web Hosting Business."

Webinar Recording: How to Grow Your Web Hosting Business

Topics: Web Hosting

Matt Sudowski

Written by Matt Sudowski

Watch On-Demand: Learn How Denver MSPs Grow Their Revenue with Data Center, Colocation, Hosting, and Private Cloud Services
Webinar Recording: How to Grow Your Web Hosting Business

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