Denver Data Center Colocation Blog

Top 3 Denver Data Center Problems No One Addresses

[fa icon="calendar"] Jul 20, 2016 10:32:01 AM / by Matt Sudowski

Top 3 Denver Data Center Problems No One Addresses

Data centers today are highly complex structures where modern technologies have placed extreme pressure on colocation facilities and IT departments. When you’re seeking out a Denver data center to match your needs, you need to make sure the colocation facility is going to be able to meet your expectations.

So if you’re a managed service provider or IT integrator, what should you look for in a data center?


1. Keep Costs Down While Engaging in Innovation

What sets data centers apart is efficient management that encourages innovation while keeping costs down. You have to do your homework and carefully make your choice to ensure that the data center also evolves in parallel with your business needs.  

According to International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts, 25% of all mid-sized to large companies address the mismatches in cooling and power with new technology. Further, they will also place a 75% cap on the space used.

So this issue will need to be addressed and carefully managed to keep expenses down while moving the facility forward.

It’s best to choose an option that’s focused on the realignment of existing DC architectures to cater to the third platform. However, it will also need to deliver the following:

  • Content and analytics
  • Dynamic and reliable delivery of transactions

2. The Skillsets Needed Will Be Harder to Acquire

Sure there are highly educated individuals in the area for a data centers in Denver to take advantage of, but the presence of universities doesn’t exactly guarantee a perfect match.

Data center infrastructure is becoming more complex and as a result, it would require a combination of skills to address the management of public, private, and legacy clouds together.

So when picking a colocation solution, find out if they have highly skilled individuals who are capable of providing for your specific needs.  

3. Power Supply, Security, and Human Error 

According to a study (of 63 U.S. data centers) conducted by the Ponemon Institute, data center outage costs were $740,357 in 2015.

Data center outages are expensive as a result of the following:

  • Lost revenue
  • Loss of productivity
  • Business disruption

Cyber crime is a growing issue behind data center outages. However, it's interesting to see that uninterrupted power supply (UPS) remains the main culprit behind outages, especially given that our Denver Tech Center location has had 18 years of continuous uptime.

As a result, when you're looking for a colocation center, ask about their uptime statistics, what their backup plan is to deal with outages, and what their security protocols are to ensure that your data is secure.

The Bottom Line

You have to do your homework to find out if the data centers that you’re looking at have the right solutions in place for your needs.


What do you look for when you search for a Denver data center solution? Share your thoughts and experience in the Comments section below.


And if you're looking for a data center in the metro Denver area, be sure to watch our webinar recording on The Road Ahead for Denver's Outsourced IT Services Providers.


Webinar Recording: The Road Ahead for Denver's Outsourced IT Services Providers: Watch On-Deman



Topics: Managed Service Providers

Matt Sudowski

Written by Matt Sudowski

Watch On-Demand: Learn How Denver MSPs Grow Their Revenue with Data Center, Colocation, Hosting, and Private Cloud Services
Webinar Recording: How to Grow Your Web Hosting Business

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