Denver Data Center Colocation Blog

Physical Web Servers or Virtual Web Servers?

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 1, 2016 11:00:00 AM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Web Hosting

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Web hosting is a multifaceted business. Performance and cost are two factors that come readily to mind, but reliability and scalability are key aspects too.

Your web hosting business may be just starting, expanding, or already a recognized name in the industry, but there’s more to choosing between a physical or virtual web server than just the size of your enterprise.

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How Can Web Hosting Services Problems Be Avoided?

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 30, 2016 10:30:00 AM / by Jay Sudowski posted in Web Hosting

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Every end-customer dreams of the perfect website. They have visions of traffic, engagement, sales, market share, and other business benefits they hope to achieve. Web hosting is a vital part of making those dreams come true.

Customers often take perfect web hosting for granted, although they are quick to complain if the hosting services they use have problems in any of the following areas: 

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How Web Hosts Deal with Regulations and Threats

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 24, 2016 10:30:00 PM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Web Hosting

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Recently at HostingCon 2016 in New Orleans, our CEO Jay Sudowski was part of a panel discussion about threats to web hosting companies and how to handle those threats and the regulations that govern them.

The discussion was titled, “Five Immediate Threats to Your Business and How to Handle Them.”

Joining Jay on the panel were Dakota Graves, Community Manager for i2Coalition, Jane Shih, Assistant General Counsel for The Endurance International Group, Inc., and David Snead, General Counsel for cPanel.

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12 Abuse Reporting Tips for Web Hosts

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 22, 2016 10:00:00 AM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Web Hosting

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Recently at HostingCon Global 2016 in New Orleans, Handy Networks CEO Jay Sudowski was on a panel moderated by Michele Neylon of Blacknight Internet Solutions, a web host based in Ireland. 

The topic was, “How To Build Relationships And Save Money With Better Abuse Reporting.” 

Abuse is something that violates terms of service which can include unsolicited email messages or SPAM, phishing, botnet command and control, malware, and IP infringement. Abuse also includes any other illegal content within the jurisdiction of the hosting company. 

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Top 3 Denver Data Center Problems No One Addresses

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 20, 2016 10:32:01 AM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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Data centers today are highly complex structures where modern technologies have placed extreme pressure on colocation facilities and IT departments. When you’re seeking out a Denver data center to match your needs, you need to make sure the colocation facility is going to be able to meet your expectations.

So if you’re a managed service provider or IT integrator, what should you look for in a data center?

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Are Denver Managed Services Prices Transparent?

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 19, 2016 3:25:55 PM / by Jay Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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As demand for colocation grows, Denver managed services will be key to successfully supporting startups, as well as small and mid-size businesses. Because of this, the business of managed services providers (MSPs) has become highly competitive with the only differentiators usually being efficiency and cost.

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How Denver Tech Center Grows the Data Center Industry

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 7, 2016 2:00:00 PM / by Jay Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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Denver Tech Center has been growing rapidly, and this has had a direct impact on the growth of the data center industry.

Denver is a hub for tech companies like HP, Oracle, and IBM, who have a significant presence in the city. In fact, Oracle bought Denver-based Datalogix for a massive sum of $1.2 billion to further expand its presence in the region.

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10 Biggest Denver Managed Service Providers

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 1, 2016 11:00:00 AM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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If you’re wondering just who are the 10 biggest managed service providers in Denver, it may be tough to pin down a definitive answer. However by most accounts, number of employees or annual revenue may be reasonably good approximators. 

In compiling this list, we looked at the number of employees on LinkedIn both at company headquarters, as well as located in Denver.

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Do MSP Owners in Denver Allow Enough Lead Time for Provisioning?

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 30, 2016 10:00:00 AM / by Jay Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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When you’re in the managed services business, a big part of what you do is managing large IT services projects -- or at least “large” on a relative basis. To be an effective project manager, it’s critical to break down the seemingly impossible into a series of much more digestible interim milestones. 

For MSP (managed service provider) owners in Denver, they’re often helping their clients provision various types of infrastructure in areas such as cloud services, telecommunications, web hosting, or colocation.

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Are Denver Managed Services Providers Over-Extended?

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 29, 2016 10:30:00 AM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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The world is changing fast. Businesses of all shapes and sizes feel intense competitive pressure to do more and to be more places. Tools like email, WiFi, online scheduling, and online collaboration are no longer luxuries.

They’re necessities for most companies. If your company is too small to staff up a robust in-house IT department, this presents a problem -- which is typically solved by an MSP or IT consulting firm.

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Watch On-Demand: Learn How Denver MSPs Grow Their Revenue with Data Center, Colocation, Hosting, and Private Cloud Services
Webinar Recording: How to Grow Your Web Hosting Business

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