Denver Data Center Colocation Blog

Matt Sudowski

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Testing Disaster Recovery Systems? Steps CIOs Miss

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 22, 2017 12:14:37 PM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Data Backup

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Problems CIOs Face with Data Backups

[fa icon="calendar'] May 31, 2017 3:25:07 PM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Data Backup

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How MSPs Automate, Monitor, Manage, and Backup Client Networks

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 25, 2017 10:32:00 AM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), you understand the importance of automating, monitoring, managing,
and backing up your clients’ networks.

Through partnerships with data centers, MSPs can easily achieve automation, manage their clients’ networks, and perform other services without having to be physically present. Data centers employ an expert staff ready to address an assortment of needs and conditions.

Data centers use a variety of resources to ensure their facilities are engaged in the latest technologies. Managing and monitoring equipment allows data centers to keep servers online, run as efficiently as possible, and remove any bottleneck.  

The following is a list of common programs used by data centers to optimize and manage servers.

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How to Prevent Cloud Service Migration Problems

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 9, 2017 10:31:00 AM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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Cloud service migration is a sensitive, tedious process.

The migration process encompasses moving data from one cloud service provider to another. 

Some clients fear it because of its fickle nature. What happens if it breaks? What if something goes wrong?

When executed correctly, migrating to the cloud can help businesses expand their IT capabilities. Cloud environments provide secure, flexible environments, ready to support any organization’s needs.

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3 Ways Web Hosts Sell Higher Margin Services

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 8, 2017 10:05:00 AM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Web Hosting

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To be a successful web hosting provider presently and in the future, Jay Sudowski, CEO of Handy Networks, stresses the importance of selling higher margin services.

For SMBs to compete with their billion-dollar hosting rivals, they must differentiate their offerings and build value for their existing and new client base.

Today, pure web hosts are diminishing, and to survive in this relatively saturated market it’s about developing a list of professional services that add value to your clientele.

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Identifying Private Cloud Opportunities for SMBs

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 6, 2017 12:29:15 PM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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In the past, private cloud opportunities have been out of reach for Denver small-to-medium sized
businesses (SMBs) due to their notoriously expensive price tags. Since then, new innovative cost-saving technologies have launched, allowing true enterprise cloud solutions to all. 

As far as cloud computing goes, there are three main categories SMBs frequent:

  • Public cloud
  • Hybrid cloud
  • Private cloud
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How MSPs Can Avoid Hosted Application Problems

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 29, 2016 12:15:00 PM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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As a managed service provider, wouldn’t you feel most comfortable knowing exactly who is hosting you,
where your data is, and who is responsible for securing the application?

Several factors come into play when it comes to choosing where your applications are hosted and which applications to host in the cloud. Some MSPs value speed, others demand a more personal relationship, and some might request an extensive service plan.

We put together a short list of attributes our clients value to help you determine whether your needs and wants as an MSP are being met and whether it is time to switch to a plan with higher latency.

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5 Ways Web Hosts Can Attract Better Clients

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 14, 2016 3:03:06 PM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Web Hosting

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As a web host, how do you add value to your client base?

Throughout the past decade, we have experienced major advancements in the technology industry; especially, in relation to the variety of software programs available to maintain strong client relationships and attract new clients and top talent.

Previously, finding clients was a relatively simple process. All you had to do was set up a website and use Google AdWords; that was a wrap! Of course marketing efforts have become more difficult and costly due to increased competition.

As mentioned on one of our recent webinars, most hosting related keywords on Google AdWords are well over $40 per click which makes the cost to acquire a client astronomical for web hosts.

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Why Hybrid Cloud is Off the Radar for Denver MSPs

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 21, 2016 11:36:45 AM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Managed Service Providers

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In the past, private cloud opportunities in Denver have been out of reach for small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) due to their notoriously expensive price tags.

Since then, new innovative cost-saving technologies have launched, allowing true enterprise cloud solutions to all. In this article, we'll talk about public cloud, hybrid cloud, and private cloud.

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3 Cheap Web Hosting Problems That Could Sink Your Business

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 7, 2016 9:31:56 PM / by Matt Sudowski posted in Web Hosting

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It can be tough to get out of a downward web hosting price spiral. Competitors offer more and more space at lower and lower prices. Customers urge you to do the same, with the unspoken threat of moving to other providers if you don’t comply.

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Watch On-Demand: Learn How Denver MSPs Grow Their Revenue with Data Center, Colocation, Hosting, and Private Cloud Services
Webinar Recording: How to Grow Your Web Hosting Business

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